Thursday, April 28, 2016


Rain, rain, rain today!  Yesterday was lovely but I was only able to work the homestead for a hour or so due to other responsibilities.  It is very discouraging!  My weeds will have overtaken me by the time I can get to them.  I will be so glad when school is out and we can get on with life!  I do have half my front flowerbed weeded so that is good progress.  I have to focus on the blessings.  So, since it's raining, I'm off to the sewing room!  Cheerio!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blueberry Patch

Well, the flower beds are coming along and Darling husband is reminding me that the blueberry patch needs weeded and mulched.  That is a monumental task that does become easier each year as I reclaim it from the years of neglect.  Brambles are hard to eradicate once they have taken over.  Any volunteers to brave the blueberry bramble?  I will conscript my faithful children to help!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

New Flower Beds!

What a glorious day we had today!  We worked outside enjoying every one of God's manifold blessings!  I worked on the new flower bed along the white picket fence my darling husband installed last fall.  Roses, doesn't that sound lovely?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Babies!

Great news!  My mother successfully hatched four new baby chicks!  I am so thrilled for her and wishing it could be me!  I have great plans for a bigger coop and maybe another rooster?  I must be nuts.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Hopefully this will be a blog about our homestead, Windy Hill!